VPN Clients Using Pre-Shared Keys

From help.computerisms.ca
Revision as of 15:54, 12 January 2014 by Bob (talk | contribs)
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  • BEFORE YOU BEGIN: you need the following information:
    • A preshared key
    • A username/password combination
    • The Hostname or IP Address of your company firewall
  • Actions Listed in {Curly Braces} may *not* be present, depending on the configuration of your computer

Using Windows 7 or Windows 8

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel=>{Network and Internet}=>Network and Sharing Center=>Select "Set up a new connection or network"
  2. Select "Connect to a workplace"=>Next=>{Select "No, Create a new connection"}=>Select "Use my Internet connection (VPN)"
  3. In the "Internet Address" field, enter the hostname or IP address of your company firewall
  4. The "Destination Name" field requires an arbitrary value that identifies what you are connecting too (IE put anything that identifies to you personally what you are connecting too)
    1. If you are unsure what to put in this field, use your Company's Name